The International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) is an International, High Impact Factor, Open Access, Bi-Monthly, Peer-Reviewed Journal published by Bhumi Publication, Pune, India. The IJIRID is registered with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN Online): 2583-648X. The journal aims at promoting innovative research in various disciplines of Science, Engineering and Technology. IJIRID provides a platform for authors to publish original and unpublished research work in terms of Research papers, Survey papers, Informative Articles, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies etc.
The International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) aims to be a leading source of scholarly articles and research papers through the promotion of research publication at affordable or at no cost in long run.
In other words to make research publication hassle free for financially constrained researchers and scholars.
The published article will always be open access, free under Creative Commons License and archived for future generations.
1. To provide a publishing platform to researchers and scholars from different fields.
2. To give scholars a chance to be part of the scholar's community who assists and helps others in publication and review.
3. To make research papers and scholarly articles available free of cost to all users without any subscription or login ID.
4. To create avenues for promoting and publishing research papers about and from social, economic, and culturally weakened sections of society.
5. To make research publication hassle-free to ensure sharing of knowledge in due time.
We at IJIRID, aspire to select research papers, through the highest quality peer review. The entire peer review and publication process must be thorough, objective, and fair to achieve this. Almost every aspect of this process involves important ethical principles and decisions, which are seldom explicitly stated and even less often shared with the readership. Journal's reputations depend on the trust of readers, authors, researchers, reviewers, editors, research subjects, funding agencies, and administrators of public health policy. This trust is enhanced by describing as explicitly as possible the journal's policies to ensure the ethical treatment of all participants in the publication process. We at IJIRID aspire to select research papers, through the highest quality peer review. Publications should strictly seek original work that has not been previously published or is currently not under review at another journal/conference.

  Title |   International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) |
  Frequency of Publication |   Bi-Monthly |
  ISSN (Online) |   2583-648X |
  Publisher |   Bhumi Publication, Pune, (M.S.), India |
  Publication Registration |   Registered enterprise by the MSME, Government of India,   Udyam Registration Number: UDYAM-MH-02-0022950 |
  Editor-in-Chief |   Ms. Ankita Jaipuria Padiya |
  Starting Year |   2022 |
  Publication Subject |   Multidisciplinary Subjects |
  Publication Language |   Multiple Languages |
  Publication Format |   Online |
The International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) adopt open access publication via a creative commons license all paper are free access to any author. Open access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it.

Open access has two different versions—gratis and libre. Gratis open access is simply making research available for others to read without having to pay for it.vHowever, it does not grant the user the right to make copies, distribute, or modify the work in any way beyond fair use.
Libre open access is gratis, meaning the research is available free of charge, but it goes further by granting users additional rights, usually via a creative commons license, so that people are free to reuse and remix the research.
There are varying degrees of what may be considered Libre open access. For example, some scholarly articles may permit all uses except commercial use, some may permit all uses except derivative works, and some may permit all uses and simply require attribution.
While some would argue that Libre open access should be free of any copyright restrictions (except attribution), other scholars consider a work that removes at least some permission barriers to be libre.
In addition to the gratis/libre distinction regarding users’ rights to a work, there are also distinctions regarding the venue in which open access works are published and archived—green and gold.
Green open access involves authors self-archiving their articles by sharing them on their own website, or more preferably, in their institution's Institutional Repository or in some other public archive.
Gold open access articles are published in a journal that is open access, which means the journal will handle hosting and distributing the journal article in a free and open manner.
Gold open access can come with a cost—some gold open access journals have publication fees that need to paid by the author (or the author's employer) to cover the cost of publishing the article.
These publication fees can be costly, but thankfully less than a third of gold open access journals have a publication fee.
Currently, most Gold open access journals are still publishing gratis (free of charge to read) as opposed to libre (free of charge to read, copy, distribute, etc).
Bhumi Publication is a registered enterprise by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India, founded on 7th April 2015. It is registered with National Industry Classification Code 58111 -Publishing of books, brochures, leaflets, and similar publications, including publishing encyclopaedias (including on CD-ROM). It is registered with Udyam Registration Number: UDYAM-MH-02-0022950.

Creative Commons licenses give everyone from individual creators to large institutions a standardized way to grant the public permission to use their creative work under copyright law. From the reuser’s perspective, the presence of a Creative Commons license on a copyrighted work answers the question, “What can I do with this work?”
International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development © 2023 by Ankita Sagar Padiya is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
It includes the following elements:
BY – Credit must be given to the creator
NC – Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
An ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) uniquely identifies all types of print and electronic media, such as scientific journals, magazines, and newspapers. An ISSN is represented by an eight-digit code, often separated in the middle by a hyphen. The digits that make up the ISSN have no meaning in themselves, they just must be unique from all other ISSNs. The ISSN system was first drafted as an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) international standard in 1971 and published as ISO 3297 in 1975.
The Indian ISSN Centre at the National Science Library, NIScPR, New Delhi assigned ISSN (Online): 2583-648X to the International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID), India on 9th February 2023.

The Impact Factor (IF) is frequently used as an indicator of the importance of a journal to its field. The Impact Factor is commonly used to evaluate the relative importance of a journal within its field and to measure the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a particular time period. Journal which publishes more review articles will get highest IFs.
1) Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF)
The SJIF is a quantitative and qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and comparing scientific journals. The SJIF is an international, recognized platform for promoting scientific achievements, as well as supporting publishers and scientific communities interested in state-of-the art research activities in innovation and applied science areas.
The International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) [ISSN (Online): 2583-648X] has been positively evaluated in the SJIF Master List evaluation process and has been recognised as SJIFactor Value 2023 = 7.647

2) Research Publication Rating and Indexing (RPRI 2025)
The RPRI is an international quality assurance agency, working to improve and establish research journal and academic book publication standards all over the world. The RPRI is a quantitative and qualitative tool for evaluating, rating and indexing scientific journals genuinely. The RPRI also provides a trusted platform for authors to search and recognize quality journals for their research paper publications as per requirement. It includes almost journals of globe.
The International Journal of Ingenious Research, Invention and Development (IJIRID) [ISSN (Online): 2583-648X] has been positively assessed as per the RPRI Research Publication Assessment and Rating Standards and has been recognised as Journal Impact Factor / Journal Quality Score is 6.67.

The peer review process of the journal is committed to ensure that the journal publishes only the novel, high-quality and state-of-the-art research manuscripts. Its main purpose is to derive a prompt decision on the scholarly submission made to the journal by maintaining the scope and high quality standards unaltered. The following processes are adopted in the peer-review process of the journal:

In this initial stage, all the received manuscripts are unsolicited by the journal editor. The manuscripts of high-quality and falls exactly within the scope of the journal can be accepted directly at this stage. On the other hand, the manuscripts that have been rejected at this stage will be due to insufficient technical contributions, out-of-scope, or poor English standards. All submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism using the CrossCheck ithenticate tool and less than 20% Plagiarism only considered for the review process. The papers that are selected form this stage will be further processed and passed on to at least 3 expert reviewers from the same domain.
The journal intends to maintain higher peer-review standards, which can promptly enhance the review process. In this process, the journal referees and review will initiate a double-blind peer review process, where the received manuscript should have the following characteristics,
* Novel and Unpublished
* Reliable and Acceptable proposed methodologies
* High-quality and academic style of writing
* Abides the ethical guidelines of the journal
* Potential research results
* Proper Citations with relevant references If the final inception report given by the referee and review has completely convinced the Journal Editor, then the decision [Acceptance, rejection, revision or conditional acceptance] will be sent to the author/s.
The Editor’s decision will always be sent along with the verbatim Comments or Recommendations received from the reviewers. Further, the submission of revised manuscripts will be again forwarded to the referees and reviewers in that particular domain, who can either give acceptance or send the manuscript again for revision.
The final opinion of the Journal Editor will be sent along with the final reviews and recommendations received from the reviewers. In any case, the Journal Editor will make the final decision on the acceptance and rejection of any submitted manuscript.
International Journal Research Paper Submission.
International Journal Research Paper Publication.
International Conferences Proceeding Publicationtion.
Books Publication.
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